Uganda Police has released statistics of people who have been involved in accidents from May 01 to May 07 2022. “There were…
Dozens Killed In DR Congo Gold Mine Attack
1 Mins read
Dozens of people were killed after armed men raided a gold mine in Djugu in the Democratic Republic of Congo’s eastern Ituri…
Cattle Rustlers Will Lose Appetite For The Gun — Museveni
2 Mins read
President Yoweri Museveni has vowed to make the cattle rustlers in Karamoja ‘lose appetite’ for the gun by building and equipping a…
Experts Punch Holes In Proposed Rental Income Tax
2 Mins read
Tax consultants have cautioned Parliament on the negative implications on the proposed rental income tax amendments for the Financial Year 2022/23. The…
Interdicted Mulago ED Dr. Baterana Can Access Office — PAC
2 Mins read
The Chairperson of the Public Accounts Committee (Central), Hon. Medard Sseggona has directed Mulago National Referral Hospital to allow the interdicted Executive…
Gvt To Install Speed Governors In All Public Service Vehicles
1 Mins read
Following the two grisly accidents in Kabarole and Mbale districts that have left over 26 people dead, legislators have called on government…
PHOTOS: 20 Confirmed Dead In Link Bus Accident
1 Mins read
Uganda Police has so far confirmed that 20 people have died in the fatal link bus accident in Kyenjojo district. “The territorial…
Kampala Pollution Way Over Recommended Levels — Data
3 Mins read
Pollution levels in Uganda’s capital, Kampala, are five to seven times higher than the Word Health Organization (WHO) recommends. This is according…
Govt Is Incompetent To Implement Parish Development Model — Parliament
3 Mins read
Members of Parliament on the Budget Committee have queried the Government’s preparedness to implement the Parish Development Model (PDM). The MPs think…
MPs Reject Proposal To Give Ministries Power Over Non-Tax Revenue Fees
2 Mins read
The Committee on Finance, Planning and Economic Development has thrown out a proposal by the finance ministry that grants government Ministries Departments…