Exams for the Uganda Certificate of Education (UCE) have began this morning with a sense of routine, a far cry from the previous two cycles that were marred by disruptions due to COVID-19 limitations and the Ebola outbreak.
Exam papers were supplied on time to both main and sub-stations, according to Jennifer Kalule, a spokesman for the Uganda National Examinations Board (UNEB).
She claimed that during the past two days, the distributor meticulously completed the job using 25 different routes.
Around 8:00 p.m. on Sunday, the examination papers and other related materials were sent to their respective centres in Kampala’s busy storage centres, which are primarily located within police stations.
Even though there were early worries that the exams would be disrupted by morning rain, the weather cleared up before 7:00 a.m., thus everything went according to plan. By 6:30 a.m., scouts and other authorities were ready at the storage locations, and at 7:30 a.m., a critical briefing conference was held.
The containers weren’t opened until 8:30 a.m., as per the requirements.
Regarding their team’s early arrival, the top scout at the Nabweru police station made the following statement: “We came early today; the first day is always complicated. We gave the scouts a briefing to promote familiarity and quickly resolve any possible problems.”
Meanwhile, as the UCE exams begin, the Uganda National Examinations Board (UNEB) has warned applicants and schools alike once more strongly not to participate in any form of misconduct.
According to Kalule, they make a point of stressing that any wrongdoing could lead to the cancellation of their exam results and could result in criminal prosecution.
Geography Paper One, a necessary topic for all enrolled applicants, was the first exam the candidates took in the morning.
They will take Geography Paper Two in the evening.
364,421 candidates have started their Uganda Certificate of Education exams, which is a big step for these aspirant students toward academic success.