Speaker of Parliament Anita Among, has threatened to take action against members of Parliament missing House and Committee sittings, saying she will issue warning letters to the culprits.
She said she already had the attendance lists from the plenary and asked chairpersons to compile lists from their committees upon which she would “name and shame” members missing sittings.
“I therefore caution Members who have been absent from Committees and the House, without leave to forthwith desist from absenteeism or else I will be compelled to evoke Rules 112 (7) and 113 (2) and (3) to issue written warnings to them and name and shame them in this House,” she warned during her communication on Tuesday.
“I draw your attention to rules 112 and 113, which prescribe modalities for leave of absence from both the House and Committees and attendant sanctions in case of breaches,” she added.
Citing the parliamentary rules of procedure, Among emphasized the need for MPs to always attend house proceedings, as its one of the core mandates of Members of Parliament.
Among highlighted the responsibilities of MPs and the need for being accountable and encouraged Members to fulfil them, asserting that it is a foundation for accountability.
“As representatives of the people we are duty bound to be available to perform our roles pursuant to the code of conduct of Members of Parliament enshrined in Appendix F of the Rules of Procedure,” she said.
The Speaker, who carefully evaluated the attendance records of committees and the House for the month of July 2022 said that she had noted endemic absenteeism by some Members.
She urged the MPs to register their attendance using the biometric chamber access system whenever accessing the House and those participating virtually to follow the rules that govern virtual participation which includes registration with the Clerk at least 12 hours prior to a sitting as a means to evidence presence.
She also asked committee chairpersons to report to her office monthly on the attendance of Members.
Last week the Deputy Speaker, Thomas Tayebwa, warned that members missing 15 consecutive sittings would lose their seats and that all Members, Ministers and ex-officios were required to attend the House at all times.