
How To Start A Business In 10 Days – Alexander Kyokwijuka

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This is a sensational practical guide on how to start a business in a sustainable way without skipping any stage in the process.

From thinking about yourself as an entrepreneur, appreciating your strengths and weaknesses in relation to entrepreneurship, learning how to leverage on your strengths to propel your ambition to great business and learning how to improve your weaknesses so they don’t affect your business but rather lay ground for continuous learning in the prices and also telling you that you can hire people to do for you what you cant do for yourself, through to the normal business start up processes that you know and the like, this book is one you can’t get tired of reading.

Anyway, I want to tell a story of a middle aged man I found at a certain petrol station around my home.

So, on this fateful day, I left home with a faulty car tyre. As I drove out of my home, my son came running after me calling me. I stopped and he told me, “daddy, your tyre is damaged.” I got out to check it out and indeed the pressure was so insufficient. I think of all things that we own as a family, my sons love the car most. From the first to the last born. They will get happy to see the car come back home and on any day it doesn’t come back home, they will demand to know what happened to the car.

Anyway, back to my story, immediately i realised the anomaly, my immediate stop was the nearest Total Petroleum Station. As the gentleman was working on my tyre, he realised I had a nail in the tyre, but the position was tricky so he needs to use my “Jjeeke” to first remove the tyre and work on it.

As he reached out for the “Jjeeke” from my car boot, he noticed I had books in my car, and eh guy on the cover looked like me. This guy was so inquisitive and he demanded to know whether the face on the book was mine and whether I was the author of the book. And i answered in the affirmative. He seemed interested in the book, and for me, this was enough qualification for a copy, so I handed him a copy.

So today, I passed the same petrol station to service my car and when i arrived, I was received as a hero, call me VIP. Apparently, almost all the workers here have read my book. They all came to greet me. All very happy and so grateful they read my book. So my guy came and narrated to me how he read the book and got excited and he gave whoever was interested to read. These guys have shared with me how they have been empowered and each of them is soon starting a venture. (I am not sure this is good news to their boss’s though).

So after servicing my car, I decided to leave them with a copy of Personal Finance Mastery, and i left them very happy. I told them that I am doing this because I come from a village (Kigarama) were we love humanity. They promised to come and visit Kigarama and I told them we would be glad to receive them.

I left a very happy man, went to the nearest cool place to enjoy a chilled Guinness. These are the things that keep me writing.

Anyway, I bring you greetings from the people of Kigarama in Ndorwa East!

Until my next story, I remain yours truly,

Alexander Kyokwijuka, Humble Citzen, Kigarama – Ndorwa East

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