Uganda Manufacturers Association(UMA) have expressed their disappointment and protest against the inability by Ugandan government to take action and resolve the unfair trade practise by Kenyan counterparts who have continued to block Ugandan products from entering their market.
The protest was led by UMA boss, Daniel Birungi while addressing the media at UMA offices in Kampala.
In January 2020, the Ugandan Government issued a Protest Note against the blantant disregard of the EAC Common Market commitments but todate it remains un-replied.
“Prior to that, there has been every effort at the level of Heads of States to resolve the trade issues between Kenya and Uganda, with minimal success since Kenya has consistently breached on commitments while Uganda continues to play second fiddle,” he said
He noted that the situation has since reached worrying levels.
UMA has thus called upon government to have the issues resolved and trade goes back to normal before Christmas and failure to which they may be pushed to call for tougher measures including calling for boycot of Kenya products in Uganda.
The products that have been grately affected by Kenya’s actions include: Milk, Sugar and Gas cylinders in which Uganda has a competitive advantage.