
Not Having Rallies Is Not The End Of The World — Museveni Tells Politicians

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President Yoweri Museveni has advised politicians who are campaigning ahead of the 2021 general elections, that “not having rallies is not the end of the world”

He said this on Saturday while meeting with NRM leaders from Teso region.

“Not having rallies is not the end of the world. Gathering large numbers of people in this pandemic period will cause more infections & death. Many have healed from Corona because we still have small manageable numbers, but some have died,” said Museveni, who is seeking the sixth term as President.

He also dismissed appeals to call off the elections given the threat of COVID-19.

“Some people were saying we postpone elections because of COVID-19 but we cannot postpone life. Once a problem comes, we have to find a way of dealing with it. Just like we have dealt with AIDS, Ebola, we can deal with Corona as long as people are not reckless and follow the SOPs.”

Museveni told the NRM leaders that they need to become ‘priests’ and preach to the other members of the society about how to remain safe during the Coronavirus pandemic but above all, the achievements of the ruling party.

He noted that prior to 1986, Uganda’s economy had totally collapsed but this has been revived by the ruling NRM government, an achievement he said is worth celebrating.

“Now NRM has been here for 34 years and so much has been achieved. The changes and stability we have had must have a reason behind it.”

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