A total number of 52 participants; drawn from CID headquarters, children of Police officers and their spouses, have finished a four-day workshop on Gender Based Violence and Sexual Reproductive Health Rights at CID Headquarters, Kibuli.
While closing the workshop, AIGP Grace Akullo, the Director Criminal Investigations Directorate urged the participants to put the knowledge acquired from the training to good use and spread the gospel against all forms related to Sexual Gender Based violence in their communities.
She also urged the participants to continue observing the SOPS in the fight against Coronavirus.
The participants have been taken through understanding Gender in totality, forms of gender-based violence, causes and effects of Gender Based violence and Sexual Reproductive Rights among others.
The workshop was co-funded by the Justice and Law Sector (JLOS) and UNFPA, Decade of Action.
The training is part of capacity building among the officers in a bid to professionalize the force to mitigate that enhance crime.