A concerned citizen has expressed his dissatisfaction with Centenary Bank on how they are handling the issue of his father who lost Shs8million in ATM fraud that was aided by the banks Askari.
He expressed himself about the bad customer care at Centenary Bank through Kakensa Media Facebook Page.
Here is the full story on how the fraud was committed;
Am complaining about the bad customer care at Centenary Bank. My complaint is as follows;
As we were traveling from Mbarara, we stopped at Centenary cooperate Branch, Mbarara.
I was with my Father, Mr Tumuhimbise Timothy, an old man 76 years of age, we stopped so that we could withdraw money for fuel and other commodities.
The security man told us that the ATM wasn’t working, we waited for a short time and decided to use the Bank, as we had reached at the entrance of the Bank, the Askari at the Main entrance told us that the ATM is now working , so we went back to use the ATM since it was very convenient .
I wanted 2 enter with my Father to help him with the process, the Askari told me that according 2 procedure, the ATM only allows one person in, so as always, I told the Askari to help my Father.
I stepped back, As my Dad had entered, he found another man in the ATM, so my Father asked 4 help from the man inside the ATM machine, the man offered help, after a short time, my Dad came out and we moved….
My Dad withdrew 500,000 Ug Shs on 25th October 2019•••Friday at around 11am
We drove off, we proceeded to Kampala, on 26th Saturday October 2019. We wanted to make another transaction but the card was not the Right one, we called the Bank and they blocked the A.T.M
On Tuesday, we travelled to Mbarara, and headed to the Bank, we met the manager and narrated everything to her
“And how the security Guard should be investigated on how he stopped me from entering yet he was aware of a Guy who was inside ..To us, this looked like the Askari was assisting a mission”
The Manager gave us a print out of the transactions.
1•Dad withdrew 500,000
2•Alleged card swapper later took off 1,500,000
The limit for a day was reached
3•The footage of the bank shows the same Guy coming again later after mid night to withdraw 2,000,000 Ug shs
4•The other money was lost on swaps at fuel stations and supermarkets via the POS terminal
Total was 3.5million on ATM and 3.5 million through the POS machine equating to 8,000,000 lost ,
The footage showed how the thief successfully twisted my Dads ATM as he was focusing on the 500k he had wanted 2 withdraw, then later shows again the thief accessing the ATM two times
•••The Manager understood, and gave us this response•••
We shall refund the money because the issue came from a security Guard who didn’t do his work. We got some relief.
We even reported the case to police and the reference number is attached below
From October -November-December -jan, we have not gotten any money yet, and no response was made to us. My Father has used Centenary Bank for a very long time, so we are disappointed on how they treat such Royal clients, this is not good, just communicate to people and tell them what’s going on•
A friend advised me to come to Head office on 28th Jan 2020, and look for the Security Department
The Response from a man who is from the security department was…
We investigated the case and the issue is between you and the Bank••••I asked him, them why ddnt you inform me the person who was complaining and my Dad who was affected
He arrogantly said…that’s what I have said and walked away.
I don’t know his name, but I can identify the man once I see him
How does the Bank contract a security company and then can’t control its activities…We as clients, are we supposed to be the ones tussling out with the security company or it should be the Bank? •
We are not happy, we would love Centenary Bank to contact us and we have a mutual understanding, we are very annoyed •••please help us through this, the next people don’t have to go through this •