The latest on our desk has it that Ex Jailbird Suleiman Kanganga Mbuga is still in trouble after City tycoon threated to attach his Kabalagala based hospital building over Shs630million debt.
Snoops have revealed that city tycoon Tom Kaya of Kaki Investments lent Mbuga money amounting to over Shs630million so time ago before his arrest.
Due to delayed payment, it is believed that tycoon Tom Kaya has been planning to attach the building since it was the loan security.
Sources have revealed that, when Mbuga returned to the country, he decided to beg tycoon Kaya to give him more time as he looks for the money to repay the loan.
It is believed that Mbuga’s financial crisis stems from the fact that he can’t travel to UAE to withdraw money from his bank accounts.
After his arrest in UAE, Mbuga was slapped with a travel ban because of his bad criminal record.
It is worth noting that Mbuga and wife, Birungi Chebet allegedly fleeced over 50 million Kronor (about Shs23Bn) from Birungi’s Muzungu pensioner identified as Stein Heiso while purporting to sell him gold.