Lira district council has forbidden Indian Nationals from traversing to rural villages with the motive of doing business.
This was one of the key resolutions agreed upon during the district council meeting held on Friday 23th,11,2018.
This resolution was reached due to the abrupt death of 11-year old boy of Alito sub county in Kole district who was allegedly killed by Indian Nationals.
The death of Dickens Okello led to the closure of Unity FM, a local radio station based in Lira after UCC accused it of fuelling violence.
Majority of the Councillors among them Richard Omara of railway division said that government has failed to regulate the activities of the so-called foreign investors.
“We need to know and clearly define who is an investors and what business they are doing,” Omara told the council.
Other Councillors said that some of these investors have been retailing goods in the local markets.
It was the unanimous decision by the council that Indians Nationals should be banned from going to villages to help ease current tension between locals and Indian community.
However the Resident district commissioner of Lira, Milton Odongo opposed to the move by council on grounds that the resolution is not backed by any law and it violates Indians rights of free movement.