Renowed grandfather of Ugandan comedy, Amooti Omubalanguze has donated two helments to Bebe Cool; Uganda Mirror reports.
This comes after Bebe Cool was hit by bottles while performing at Swangz Avenue all stars concert a few weeks ago.
“Bebe Cool should not stop performing!! legends don’t quit. I have secured these helmets for him such that he is not injured by the bottles,” said Omubalanguze.
This website understands that Bebe Cool suspended all his performances until further notice after he was chased away from stage a few weeks ago.
Bebe Cool’s issue stems from the fact that he is a supporter of President Museveni and yet many youth think he should be supporting his fellow musician, Bobi Wine.
Though he suspended the performances, Bebe Cool maintains that he has a right to chose where he belongs so no one should threaten him.