By Bunnet Ayorekire
Oftentimes, I stumble these soft roads and try harnessing with the so-called elites of the universe and social media fanatics whom I am either familiar with, and some are really strangers; but regardless we harness along.
As it’s the norm, I recently met an inquiry from a one who seems not literate enough to type the colonialists’ language but rather packaged it in his ‘Kinyankole’ to inquire from the rest of the folks whether there would be an end to the rampant corruption in Uganda.
Having witnessed that at least 90% or so of the group members can speak and write English, I resorted to attending to this humble gentleman’s query but was attributed to the entire fraternities and this is how it surely read:
Corruption is inevitably here to stay—not only in Uganda, but entirely in the world. Even around the most developed countries, corruption is prevailing but might not be as rampant as it’s with us in comparison. Albeit, they can’t be vindicated of it either; they’ve coped up with it, accordingly.
At times, it could even be healthy for there are related advantages that might come along with it, innit? As humans, we are instinctively brought up in a manner that one must be better than the other to be respected or cheered, thus turning a living into a competition, unnecessarily. This kind of upbringing itself has amidst us spontaneously instilled corruption traits.
Let’s delve into our day-to-day lives and we shall find none can spend a fortnight or so without exercising it—whether intentionally or inadvertently. From the ladies we date to the women we marry; we somewhat corrupt them to these causes. It could be buying her a gift or something to win their attention or care or love, whatever case it may be.
While tasked by a certain friend to shed light on what could be the ultimate remedy of corruption, I pinpointed: “HUMILITY.” Humility is apparently the way to go to make this world a better place, for it could somewhat let leaders think of others before themselves. That’s what humility is all about: ‘not really thinking less of yourself, but thinking yourself less and placing others first; and this makes you a true outstanding servant of them.
Lest, we shall subsequently keep throwing endless tantrums (yes, they’re) with no any richer fruit being bore to curb down the corruption vice—even though hundreds of thousands of reshuffles are implemented, without exercising the plausible remedies; it shall keep a daydream. Heavens up!
By Bunnet Ayorekire
Email: talk2bunnet@gmail.com