Yusuf Nsibambi, a Member of Parliament from Mawokota County South Constituency, was named the Forum for Democratic Change (FDC) party whip in the House on Wednesday, which was formally acknowledged by Speaker of the House Anita Among.
Nsibambi announced his acceptance of this position on Tuesday at a plenary session that was presided over by Deputy Speaker Thomas Tayebwa.
It was a reply to a message dated October 7, 2023, from FDC Secretary-General Nathan Nandala Mafabi.
Nsibambi has been appointed to replace Ibrahim Ssemujju Nganda, the former FDC spokesperson and member of parliament for Kira Municipality.
Notifying Among in writing of the FDC’s resolution to remove Ssemujju from his role as House Whip and replace him with Nsibambi, Mafabi wrote to Among on August 15, 2023.
But the Speaker also received a petition opposing Nandala’s decision after receiving the letter.
The petitioners contested Nandala’s letter on the grounds that the ruling was against the FDC constitution, led by legislator Francis Mwijukye of Buhweju County.
The Speaker responded on August 16, 2023, stating that she was bound by the petition and would not formally announce the placement until the parties had achieved a consensus.
On October 6, 2023, FDC National Delegates Conference was granted permission to gather and elect new office bearers by High Court Civil Division Judge Musa Ssekaana.
After the party’s successful election on October 6, Nandala wrote to the Speaker again to advise her that Nsibambi had been chosen by the National Delegates to be the FDC party whip.
Speaker Among responded by congratulating Nsibambi on his new position in the House and accepting his appointment.
Nsibambi, who is also the Shadow Minister for Works and Transport, said that his appointment was a big challenge because of the FDC’s internal strife and conflicts, which have caused rifts within the party. He did, however, pledge to bring the party’s members together.
It’s crucial to understand that a “Whip” in Parliament is a person chosen by a political party, either in power or in opposition, to oversee rules, attendance, involvement in sessions, and voting by its members.
In addition, whips could be in charge of choosing people to join different committees.