
Prostitute Stabs Man To Death After Failing To Pay Shs10,000 For Sex

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Police in Luwero are holding a commercial sex worker on suspicion that she fatally stabbed her client after a disagreement over payment.

The suspect is Grace Namanya, 33, a commercial sex worker from Bamunanika sub-county, Luwero district, who works at Nankulabye Trading Center.

She is charged with fatally stabbing 45-year-old Moses Bakka, a resident of the same village, at some point on Sunday night around 10 o’clock.

Preliminary investigations, according to Savannah Regional Police Spokesperson Sam Twiineamazima, show that Bakka went to Namanya’s house and offered her Shillings 4000 for sex, but she insisted on receiving Shillings 10,000.

According to Twiineamazima, the deceased used force, which led to a scuffle before Namanya grabbed a knife and fatally stabbed him.

According to Twiineamazima, Bamunanika Police Station officials hurried to the site and discovered Bakka’s lifeless body.

The culprit was apprehended at a hiding place in Kikyusa town after she had already left the site.

According to Eriab Ssemanda, LC 1 Chairman of Nankulabye, the deceased had three children from a previous marriage.

Earlier this week, police detained William Lugemwa, 45, and his wife, Jesca Payesu, 35, both of whom are from the Luwero sub- county’s Kigavu village.

They were accused of killing their seven-month-old daughter, Immaculate Samanya, following an altercation about rumours of adultery.

Stephen Musisi, a resident of Bukomba village in the Luwero sub-county, also murdered his wife, Aisha Nalukenge Nagayi, and two children on July 6 of this year before committing suicide.

The Luwero district reported 501 domestic violence cases in 2022, according to the Police crime report.

The district was listed as having the second-highest percentage of domestic abuse cases nationwide.

In 2022, at least 58 homicides were reported, placing the district in ninth place for the highest number of cases, according to the Luwero Crime Report.

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