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Declare If Rich Or Poor By March 2023 — Kamya Tells Govt Leaders

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The Inspector General of Government, Beti Olive Kamya has asked leaders in public offices to declare their wealth as per the Constitution of Uganda and the Leadership Code Act,2002 before March 31 this year.

The Constitution of Uganda and section 4 of the Leadership Code Act require political leaders and appointed leaders to declare to the Inspectorate of Government their incomes, assets and liabilities every two years in the month of March.

The previous declaration was done in March 2021.

While speaking to the media in Kampala, Kamya reminded political and appointed leaders to declare their wealth before March 31 2023. She said any leader that doesn’t comply risks serious repercussions.

“This exercise is meant only for people described in this statement (political leaders and appointed leaders) not for all public officials. Public officials must also declare, but under a different legal provision,” she guided.

She said that this year’s exercise will be launched on Wednesday March 1 2023 in Lira City and the event will be presided over by the Deputy Speaker of Parliament Thomas Tayebwa who is expected to be the first declarant this declaration year. The exercise will run from March 1 2023 and will close on March 31 2023.

“Please take serious note that there is no provision in the law to extend this period. Therefore, any leader who will not have declared by March 31 2023 will be in violation of the law,” she said.

Kamya explained that there are serious sanctions under the law for, non-declaration, under declaration, over declaration, falsification of facts, anticipatory declaration of income, assets and liabilities

Sanctions for breach of the code include: fines, warning, caution, demotion, dismissal from office, vacation of office, confiscation and forfeiture of illicitly acquired assets, gifts among others.

Declaration will be digital using the IG-Online Declaration System (IG(ODS) which will be opened on March 1 2023 and closed on March 31 2023.

“In case a declarant needs help, they should seek the support of the Office of the Chief Administrative Officer or Inspectorate of Government Regional Office or selected people in all Government Institutions called Focal Persons who have been trained to use the IG-ODS declaration system,” said Kamya.

The public leaders are supposed to submit a salary payslip, appointment letter, bank account details, and sale and purchase agreements details, certificate of title details, motor vehicle logbooks, share certificate details, loan agreements and loan payment schedules, tenancy agreements and certificates of incorporation, among others.

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