
Cuba To Present Resolution At UNGA In November Calling For End To US Blockade

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H.E Bruno Rodríguez, Cuba's Foreign Affairs Minister

On November 2nd and 3rd, the United Nations General Assembly will once again take into consideration the draft resolution calling for an end to the U.S. blockade against Cuba.

According to a statement issued by Cuba’s Foreign Affairs Minister, H.E Bruno Rodriguez;

“The U.S. government persists in ignoring the demands of the international community, and has intensified the blockade to unprecedented levels. This has been a failed policy aimed at subverting the constitutional order in Cuba, but it causes unjustifiable shortages, pain, and suffering to Cuban families by limiting access to food, medicines, fuel, and other basic necessities.”

For over 60 years, the United States has enforced an embargo against Cuba, severely restricting the flow of goods to the island. Most US companies are forbidden from dealing with Cuba, and various US laws punish foreign companies that do business in Cuba. The restrictions are meant to economically squeeze the island and create enough discontent within Cuba to force the ruling Communist Party to either significantly reform or step down.

“The blockade causes real and significant detriment to the human rights of Cubans. In the first 14 months of President Joseph Biden’s administration alone the damages caused by the blockade amounted to $6,364,000,000, which hinders our development and deprives the country of income that could be used for the welfare of our people,” H.E Bruno added.

Joe Biden promised to move away from this Trump strategy of “maximum pressures” against Cuba, but has so far not altered any of the Trump restrictions. The White House admitted earlier this year that “a Cuba policy shift is not currently among President Biden’s top priorities.”

H.E Bruno also said that the unilateral and fraudulent designation of Cuba as a state sponsor of terrorism reinforces the dissuasive and intimidatory impact of the blockade, which is markedly extraterritorial in nature and affects the legitimate ties established by governments, entities, banks, and businessmen with our country, while also harming Cubans living abroad.

The U.S. government accompanies this outrage with disinformation and destabilization operations against Cuba.

The blockade policy suffers profound international isolation, brings discredit onto the U.S., and arouses the profound rejection of the peoples of the world.

Cuba has the right to live without a blockade.

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