President Museveni has urged scouts to use their survival character and attitude formation strengths to contextualize problems in their communities and help in solving them.
Museveni made the remarks while officiating at the closing ceremony of the National Scouts Camp at the Kaazi camping site in Wakiso district.
At least 2873 scouts attended the 5 days camp, which recorded the youngest scout, a 17 months old Ssanyu Davina from Kamuli District. 39 of the scouts were awarded a wood badge which is the equivalent of the degree level.
Museveni congratulated the scouts’ movement on a successful camp after the frustrations from the covid-19 pandemic in the previous years.
“Scouting is about character and attitude formation. It is clear the aim is about character building and attitude moulding, it’s therefore up to us to contextualize how we can help our people to get out of poverty and to look after our resources,” he said.
Museveni who is also the patron of the Uganda Scouts Association noted that the government is going to come out with a plan to fully restore the environment and natural resources following a spell of global climate challenges.
“Canda, USA and some parts of Europe have been in a very bad condition in terms of weather, the heat, forest fire among others. This is because of climate change. Part of our campaign must be to respect the environment, “he said.
The State Minister of Primary Education Moriku Kaducu who represented the Minister of education, applauded the scouts for the unique approach in training through which they learn that they have a duty to God and the country at large.
“This enabled the young people to embrace the spirit of patriotism and the love for our beautiful nation. Sadly today, patriotic Ugandans have endangered species especially among the younger generation who prefer to align themselves to global friends and brands instead of embracing our rich culture and being proud of Uganda, “she noted.
She said scout’s movement has distinguished itself worldwide as a time tried and tested effort which equips boys and girls to be responsible and productive citizens for this country.