National Medical Stores has announced a Shs 60 million sponsorship towards this year’s Uganda Ladies Golf Tournament to be held at Kitante Golf Club in Kampala.
The three-day event kicks off on August 17 and is expected to attract a record attendance of golfers
The tee-off is due at 9:00am at the par-72 Uganda Golf Club facility in Kampala.
This is the second year that NMS, a government-owned organisation in Uganda, mandated to procure, store and distribute essential medicines and health supplies primarily to government health facilities in Uganda, is sponsoring the tournament.
“We are extremely proud to be the Title Sponsors for this year’s Uganda Ladies Golf Tournament,” said NMS Public Relations Officer, Sheilla Nduhukire.

“NMS has been at the forefront of fighting non-communicable diseases by promoting physical fitness exercises, sports, regular health checkups and mass awareness campaigns,” said Nduhukire.
“Active participation in sports activities such as golf helps ease stress and improves general well being of the body. Sports also brings positive energy, discipline, and other commendable qualities to one’s life.”
According to the Ministry of Health, 75% of non-communicable diseases in Uganda are preventable through participation in regular physical fitness exercises and sports.
Over the past decade, the prevalence of non-communicable diseases (NCDs) such as cardiovascular disease, diabetes, chronic respiratory disease, and cancer has increased dramatically in Uganda and other parts of Africa.
According to the Health Ministry, 3.2% of Ugandans have diabetes. Those with heart diseases stand at 6%, 350 people out of every 100,000 have cancer while 8,000 new cases of cancer are recorded annually.
However, research also shows that routine physical activity helps prevent diseases such as reducing the risk of stroke, heart disease, cancers and high blood pressure.
Nduhukire said a reduction in non-communicable diseases would reduce government expenditure on drugs and save more lives.
Defending champion, Martha Babirye as well as single handicap female golfers such as as Peace Kabasweka, Meron Kyomugisha, Bridget Nakamoga, Gloria Mbaguta, Sheila Kensime, Rest Nalutaaya, Joan Nampeewo among others are expected to take part in the tournament.

To participate in the tournament, individuals were required to register teams in different categories; silver (Shs 120,000), bronze (Shs 80,000), subsidiary (Shs 40,000) as well as the seniors.
The silver category has female golfers with handicap index 11.9 and below.
The bronze category has golfers with handicap index 12.0-24.9 and subsidiary ladies (handicap index 25.0-36.0).The men will be drawn in under the subsidiary section in their respective groups; A, B and C.
There will be prizes for all the categories in each gender, including seniors as well as side bets.