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Busongora South By-Election: NRM Big Wigs Charm Voters In Final Campaign Rallies

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It was pomp and excitement as big wigs of the ruling National Resistance Movement (NRM) party charmed voters in Busongora county south ahead of this week’s Thursday 18th by-election.

The party lined up senior cadres led by Vice President, H.E Jesca Alupo, Prime Minister, Rt. Hon. Robinah Nabbanja, 1st Vice National Chairman, Al-Hajj Moses Kigongo, and Ministers, among other several officials as they made final campaign laps in Karusandara, Rukoki and Lake Katwe sub counties.

H.E Maj (Rtd) Alupo who represented President Yoweri Museveni told electorates that, the Fountain of Honor was cognizant of the fact that Kasese district is a home to people of many origins yet have lived together in harmony, hence urging them to maintain the same during the ongoing election process.

“There are many tribes in Kasese district who for decades have lived together in harmony and united. The unity has promoted peace and stability. I encourage them to stay peaceful,” V.P said as she delivered the President’s speech, adding that “peace has fostered socio-economic transformation in the area.”

President Museveni also underscored the role of elections as an exercise that helps to choose a leader who is capable of extending services to locals.

“Elections are about a leader who will deliver good roads, high education standards, better health care, electricity connectivity and accessibility of water for irrigation and domestic use,” Museveni said, adding that services in Busongora county South shall be delivered by government through Mr. Gideon Mujungu.

Museveni in his message to residents of Karusandara revealed that government had secured a title on part of Uganda prisons farm which had been allocated to them for settlement, hence assuring them of permanent rights. He urged locals to use the same land to enhance productivity and incomes through commercial agriculture.

The NRM’s National Chairman also assured residents of government’s commitment to promote tourism through working with private investors and local communities, neighboring tourism destinations in Kasese district to increase revenue and create employment opportunities for youths.

The Prime Minister, Rt Hon. Robinah Nabbanja said she is confident that NRM candidate will clinch the Busongora south seat alluding to the party’s recent victories in the past five by-elections in Kayunga, Omoro, Soroti city East, Gogonyo and Bukimbiri.

Prime Minister rallied locals to embark on house to house mobilization of their neighbors as they urge them to turn up and cast their votes in favour of the ruling party candidate, Mr. Mujungu on polling day.

“Mujungu will work with government institutions to spearhead effective service delivery to the populace in a bid to improve their standards of living.

It is the NRM government with clear policies through its manifesto of transforming lives,” Nabbanja said as she downplayed the opposition who she described as liars.

AL-hajj Kigongo combs lake Katwe

The 1st vice National Chairman, Al-hajj spent the last day of campaigns at various landing sites of Lake Albert in Lake Katwe Sub County where he addressed several NRM supporters and asked them to find time and come out to exercise their rights to vote.

“I appeal to you to find time on Thursday this week and come out to vote because your vote is your voice to government,” Al-Hajj Kigongo said.

The NRM ticket holder, Thembo Gideon Mujngu pledged to work hard for Busongora south residents if he is elected back to parliament.

The supremos who headlined the campaign trail today were accompanied by Vice chairman for Western region and ICT Minister, Dr. Chris Baryomunsi, State Minister for Local Government, Hon. Victoria Rusoke, Director for Mobilization at the NRM Secretariat, Hon. Rosemary Seninde, Electoral commission Chairman, Dr. Tanga Odoi, Members of Parliament among other senior party Officials.

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