Kakumiro police are holding 16 suspected marijuana smokers and dealers.
The suspects were rounded up in a joint crackdown by the police and the Uganda Peoples Defense Forces-UPDF from Dangalo cell in Igayaza town council in Kakumiro district Monday night.
Security also recovered 8 sacks of marijuana during the operation. The suspects were immediately whisked to Kakumiro central police station where they are currently locked up.
Major David Matovu, the Kakumiro Resident District Commissioner-RDC who commanded the operation, says that he was prompted to act following a rise in criminality in the district.
He says cases of burglary, murder, rape, and house break-ins among others are on the rise in the district.
John Baruri, the Igayaza town Council LC 3 Chairperson, says there is a need for more operations in the area because of the many wrong elements terrorizing residents.