The IGP has strongly condemned the senseless act of violence, where an irate mob attacked police officers at Namasagali police station, after they rescued and took into custody two traditional healers, who allegedly bewitched two village members to death during the month of July 2021.
The preliminary information indicates, that on the 26.09.2021, at around 6pm, police at Namasagali, responded to a life-threatening situation, where they rescued two traditional healers, identified as Namuyindo Yosam and Ojja Joseph, from an irate mob at Kadungu “B”village, Kisakye Parish, Namasagali sub-county in Kamuli district.
The two victims were rushed to Namasagali police station for safe custody.
While at the station, the violent mob armed with pangas, sticks and stones attacked the officers with a view of lynching the two suspects.
Attempts to counter them with warning shots were fruitless. Two of the officers namely; Sgt Nakabuye Florence and Detective constable Kasolo Francis, sustained very serious injuries after they were overwhelmed and disarmed by the ring leader Buyinza Buyala and his accomplices.
One of the rescued victims, Namuyindo Yosam, was fatally wounded by stray bullets, during the scuffle for the police gun. It is also unfortunate that D/C Kasolo Francis, succumbed to the injuries while being rushed to hospital.
A crime preventer identified as Bagadira David, who was riding a motorcycle during the rescue mission, was also attacked, injured and in critical condition, but admitted at Kamuli Mission Hospital.
We are deeply saddened by the loss of our officer, and that of Yosam. Our thoughts and prayers are with their families, friends, colleagues and relatives. May their souls rest in eternal peace.
The security situation in the village and immediate neighborhood was restored after reinforcements from Kamuli District, Police Headquarters.
An immediate cordon and search operation was conducted in the village, which led to the recovery of the two police guns, in the home of Buyinza Buyala. In addition, a blood-stained panga was also recovered and exhibited.
We want to assure the public that we have directed sufficient resources to the investigation, to help apprehend all suspects involved in the horrendous tragedy.
So far, 11suspects are in custody. These include; Muzaale Isima, Walujo Karim, Mpule Robert, Wanjala Yoweri, Oliga Yoweri, Magala Silvester, Wabwire Zabwe, Mvabagwa Yonah Dooba, Ekijati John, Mugatu Ewaku and Abiora Alex.
Efforts are in place to trace for the prime suspect Buyinza Buyala, with several accomplices who have fled from the village.
This incident is a stark reminder of the dangers police officers face, in their efforts to protect the public and keep citizens safe.