Uganda Police Force Spokesperson, CP Fred Enanga has revealed that Police officers who brutally arrested Kapchorwa Chief Magistrate, Godfrey Teko Lokeris will face the disciplinary committee for using excessive force.
“The officers are being investigated because of their actions against the suspect within the police cell,” said Enanga.
Video clips of the brutal arrest of Chief Magistrate, Godfrey Teko Lokeris have been circulation on social media like wild fire hence prompting police to investigate the arresting officers.
The brutal arrest happened at Moroto Hotel and more at Moroto Police station.
It is said that while at a bar at Moroto hotel, Chief Magistrate, Godfrey Teko Lokeris had a misunderstanding with his cousins, and tempers flared.
Eyewitnesses said that he punched one of them heavily before drawing a pistol and threatening to shoot them.
It is said that the Chief Magistrate was however overpowered and disarmed by a UPDF officer who was at the hotel as the incident unfolded.
He was later handed over to police who charged him with attempted murder and Assault.
He was however released on Police bond as investigations into the matter continue.