An envelope addressed to Pope Francis and containing three bullets has been intercepted near Milan, according to Italian media reports.
The envelope featured French postage and was addressed to “The Pope – Vatican City, Piazza S. Pietro in Rome,” Milan-based newspaper Affaritaliani reported.
Police reportedly seized the mail at a sorting center in Peschiera Borromeo, located on the outskirts of Milan, after its presence was reported by the manager.
An investigation is underway, according to Affaritaliani.
The Vatican has been contacted for comment.
According to his public diary, Pope Francis led prayer on Sunday in Saint Peter’s Square in Vatican City—more than 500 miles from where the envelope was discovered.
Pope Francis is scheduled to depart on a trip to Budapest on August 12, flying from Rome’s Fiumicino International Airport.
He is expected to meet with Hungary’s bishops and other Church and Jewish representatives, before departing for Bratislava, Slovakia.
The 84-year-old returned to full-time work after colon surgery last month.
This is a developing story and will be updated.