Tooro King Oyo Nyimba Kabamba Iguru on Friday took guests at the wedding reception of his sister by surprise as he pulled rare hip hop dance moves.
Although, there are rumors that the king parties once in a while, little was known of what he can do on the dance floor, until Friday.
His Princess Ruth Komuntale, had just tied the know with her lover, Anthony Phillip in the US before their guests were hosted to a reception in Dallas, Texas.
A clip is trending online showing King Oyo joined by Princess Komuntale, dancing to American rapper Soulja Boy’s Crank that hit with Tooro’s king pulling rare dance moves that indidcate he has honed his skills overtime.
King Oyo was spot on with regards to the dance moves he pulled, The Electric Slide, one hip hop dance experts say is considered a wedding, family reunion, and all-around party staple.
Before Komuntale’s new nuptials on Friday, her and Anthony had been painting the red with their PDA.
READ ALSO: SECOND CHANCE! Tooro Princess Komuntale Off The Shelf Again
Many hope Komuntale’s new marriage will help her put behind bad memories her first, to an American Christopher Thomas in 2012.