We have to fight and resist the idea of turning the very powerful idea of women empowerment into a euphemism to strictly mean the empowerment of Rebecca Kadaga.
The NRM as a liberation movement resolved to uphold, respect and elevate the involvement of women, youth and the elderly in the determination of questions of our country’s destiny.
In line with this philosophy, NRM nurtures and breeds women leading, one of whom is Kadaga.
In 2011 when she became the first female Speaker, Parliament had existed for 90 years.
In 100 years of Parliament today, we have only one woman who has become Speaker.
NRM needs to elevate Kadaga to another deserving deployment so that Oulanyah becomes Speaker and he will be deputised by a woman.
This way, in the next 10 years, we will have the second woman Speaker of Parliament. It must not take 90 years ever again for that to happen.
Other women leaders must be groomed by the same system that has groomed and given Kadaga the opportunity to become who she is today.
When she gets stuck in Speakership, she clogs the wheel of women empowerment.
Unless the idea is to have her as the first and last woman Speaker.
The younger women coming on board must rise, too.
They deserve to.
The women empowerment campaign cannot focus on one person and miss this point.
She has served at this level. It’s time to rise and create more room for future Kadagas.