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Kamya On The Spot For Seek­ing Shs12.1bn with­out Knowl­edge of Uganda Land Com­mis­sion

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Uganda’s Min­istry of Lands, Hous­ing, and Ur­ban De­vel­op­ment has been put on the spot for seek­ing Shs12.1bil­lion in their sup­ple­men­tary bud­get with­out the knowl­edge of the Uganda Lands Com­mis­sion.

In a Ple­nary sit­ting on Tues­day 9th Feb­ru­ary 2021 Chaired by the Speaker, the Chair­per­son Bud­get com­mit­tee tabled a re­port on the Sup­ple­men­tary Ex­pen­di­ture Sched­ule 4 and Ad­den­dum 1 and 2 to Sched­ule 4 for fi­nan­cial year 2020’21.

According to Parliament Watch, the sup­ple­men­tary bud­get ex­pen­di­ture re­quest amount up to Shillings 292­bil­lion un­der Sched­ule No.4 amounts to Shillings 94.32 bil­lion on De­cem­ber 18th, 2020, and ad­den­dum 1 and 2 re­quests to Sched­ule No.4 amount­ing to Shillings 111.477­bil­lion and Shillings 86.597­bil­lion re­spec­tively.

Leg­is­la­tors were, how­ever, con­cerned with some of the al­lo­ca­tions in the Sup­ple­men­tary bud­get re­quest by the gov­ern­ment. Among the con­tentious al­lo­ca­tions in­cluded Shillings 12.1bil­lion re­quest un­der the Uganda Land Com­mis­sion (ULC) to set­tle out­stand­ing com­pen­sa­tion un­der the Land Fund to 6 ben­e­fi­cia­ries

The de­bate on the Shillings 292 bil­lion Sup­ple­men­tary bud­get re­quest by the gov­ern­ment changed af­ter John­son Muyanja Sseny­onga, Mukono South MP brought to the at­ten­tion of Par­lia­ment a let­ter by the Chair­per­son ULC, Beat­rice Byenkya Nyakaisiki rais­ing a red flag on the ap­proval of Shillings 7.67­bil­lion re­quest un­der the Uganda Land Com­mis­sion.

Among the ben­e­fi­cia­ries of the al­lo­ca­tion of Shillings, 12.1bil­lion un­der the con­tentious on the list of ULC in­clude Kasiya Rwabuku­rukuru with land at Kiyunga, Sheema (6.43 bil­lion), Stephen Pe­ter Na­genda of Kibale, Rwan­swa (1.06 bil­lion) and Julius Busu­ulwa of Buyaga in Kibaale (1.4 bil­lion). Oth­ers are Na­talia Na­muli (1.6 bil­lion), Yisaka Lwakana (125.3 mil­lion) and Mugisha Ge­of­frey (1.49 bil­lion), all with land at Buyaga, Kibaale.

In re­sponse, to the let­ter later tabled by Muyanja Sseny­onga, Min­is­ter Beti Kamya said that the Uganda Land Com­mis­sion was not act­ing in good faith since they had been in­formed of the al­lo­ca­tions.

The re­sponse by the Min­is­ter of Land, Beti Kamya forced the leg­is­la­tors to sus­pect even more anom­alies in the Sup­ple­men­tary bud­get re­quest by the gov­ern­ment.

MP Eli­jah Okupa ap­pealed to the Speaker to de­fer the ap­proval of the Sup­ple­men­tary bud­get re­quest to a later date, to al­low the stake­hold­ers to agree on the con­tentious is­sues.

Kadaga di­rected the Bud­get Com­mit­tee to re­solve the is­sue of Uganda Land Com­mis­sion and re­port back and stayed the ap­proval of the en­tire sup­ple­men­tary bud­get un­til Thurs­day 11th Feb­ru­ary 2021.

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