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ANT Has All The qualities Needed To Put Uganda Back On Track — Mugisha Muntu

1 Mins read

Alliance for National Transformation-Uganda presidential candidate, Rtd Maj Gen Mugisha Muntu has revealed that his party has all the qualities and experience required to put Uganda back on right track.

Muntu said this yesterday as they combed the areas of Mayuge and Iganga where they held several meetings and officially opened ANT offices.

“For us as a country to move from where we are on to the correct track, we need a disciplined team of men and women to be able to meet with those challenges and resolve them. We need to have discipline; you need to have experience and we have both,” said Muntu.

He further added that; “As ANT we have all the qualities that are needed to put this country back on track build it, advance it and people are happy in it.

“To establish a firm foundation is the basis of which other Ugandans will be competing for power after us, they need not to have the experience because they will find systems which function and institutions which will be strong.”

He also said that Alliance for National Transformation-Uganda will ensure strict protection of the land rights of Ugandans since land plays a big role in a country’s development.

“One of the aspects of our plan for the economy is land ownership and usage, which need to be rationalized before any agrarian reforms for production can bear tangible results for citizens and the country.

“Land being both finite and the main factor of production must be utilized in a way that gives maximum returns to the communities by leveraging other factors of production such as labour, capital and entrepreneurship.”

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