Today afternoon, Vision group announced that one of their staff tested positive for COVID-19.
In a statement from the group’s CEO, Robert Kashushenga said that the staff who tested positive for COVID-19 was working at the head office in Kampala. “Management is tracking all the possible contacts at the office and will collaborate with medical workers to facilitate the tests.”
Vision staff who were in contact with the patient will be required to stay in isolation for 14 days.
The office will however remain open as constant disinfecting will continue to go on at intervals.
The public can also access their offices when necessary but they will be required to diligently follow the SOPs that the ministry of health has put in place to curb the spread of COVID-19.
Recently, Eagles Holdings, Mega industries and Toyota Uganda were directed to close after members of their staff tested positive for COVID-19.
Kampala continues to remain a hot spot for COVID-19 cases in Uganda since the lock down was partially lifted.
The Minister of Works and Transport, General Katumba Wamala said that government might be forced to stop public transport because people have become more relaxed in following COVID-19 guidelines.