The Minister of Defence and Veteran Affairs, Adolf Mwesige has led a team of senior leaders from the Ministry to inspect the on going works at the UPDF National Referral Hospital at Mbuya Hill.
According to the force the construction work is at 56% and expected to end in Jan 2021.
According to the project management team ,there has been slight delays in the implementation because of adverse weather and challenges of COVID-19.

Eng. Besigye Bekunda, the head of the Engineering Brigade of UPDF,said the hospital will go along way to save the force from expenses it incurs in private treatment centres at home and abroad.
“The construction of this hospital started in February 2018 and expected completion date is January 2021.This hospital is 327 bed hospital which will be a referral hospital for UPDF, “he said.

He said the facility will not only serve UPDF but also members of the public thus increasing the national health services capacity and also offer employment to qualifying Ugandans.
“The facility is going to be accessible to the outsiders as you know UPDF is pro people,so even the general public will access the services,”he said.