
Dr. Ruth Aceng, Will You Resign or Apologize to Ugandans?

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A simple Note, to mama Hon.Dr.Jane Ruth aceng,

Dear “Mama Corona”, I greet you and thank you for your service to the nation.

When Corona Virus allegedly stepped foot hear on the Ugandan soil, you were allover the place and almost every Ugandan fell in love with you. You were the most patriotic leader we believed we had come across. Thank you for giving us hope then.
I remember my friends putting your picture on their whatsApp and Facebook status, and everyone was like “our heroin”. I remember also picking interest in learning more about you because you portrayed to us that you are a different breed of a political leader.

Our love for you started fading and we started raising eyebrows when the team of scientists you led to my Rwakitura friend, started telling scientific lies including advising the president that Taxis and buses are safer than boda-bodas and apparently you advised that boda-bodas should stay locked down. Here, Madam Minister you scored into your own net.

You then told us that we should all put on Masks, and we still gave a benefit of doubt and hoped that we could defeat this enemy. You still told us to keep distance from one another and we still obliged hoping we can defeat the enemy. you went ahead and caused the entire government apparatus into courtship to come up with what you have called the “scientific political campaigns and elections” and because of your efforts, learned friends like Electoral Commission chief Justice Simon Byabakama to disregard the law and replace it with your pronouncements turned statutory instruments to lead the citizens into the “scientific Elections”.

Madam Minister, because of your efforts, Government and my Rwakitura friend went by your advice to close schools and other educational institutions and this sent home 15 million young Ugandans and mind you these are the future of this country. Among these, are a good number who may not go back to school even when you re-open the schools.

When my Rwakitura friend and the entire cabinet listened to you and decided to lock down following your misguiding information, a number of young Ugandans lost their jobs and i am not sure they will regain these jobs even after lock-down is lifted. Remember that we were at 83% (youth unemployment rate) even before this #COVID19. Mama Aceng, do you hear me out?

On Friday 10th, July, 2020, you were pictured meeting a crowd of people in Lira District. Many have mentioned that you were addressing a political rally and i know you have come out to defend yourself that this was not a political rally. But with my poor English from Kigarama Primary School, allow me to share with you my understanding of a political rally. When an aspiring political leader, chooses to address a group of people who are actually potential voters of that aspirant, in the exact place where the aspirant intends to seek election, and all this is happening during a political season, this is by all standards a political rally. I am no political expert thought so i will leave that at that.

Now, this would not be a problem but madam Minister, on the said Friday, you broke all the SOPs that you have caused the Government to issue in the last few months. You therefore committed a crime of attempted Murder (In my Rwakitura Friend’s accent) by exposing over 300 NRM members from Lira district to a dangerous infectious disease. You never ensured social distancing, you had no mask on, and you claim you were teaching the locals how to use the mask.

In trying to understand you, when you almost became our national pride, i got to learn that you are actually a devote born-again- christian, and i am hoping that you will search your heart, and either resign or apologize to the people of Uganda, whichever will be easier for you.

CC: My Rwakitura Friend, let Hon.Dr.Jane Ruth aceng resign or apologize to Ugandans.

Until my next Note, Greetings from Kigarama

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