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REVEALED: Why Lukwago Gave Besigye Loyalist Nyanjura Deputy Slot Ahead of 2021 Polls

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Kampala City Lord Mayor, Erias Lukwago on Thursday fired his deputy, Sarah Kanyike and appointed Doreen Nyanjura to replace her.

Lukwago’s action comes days after Kanyike was nominated by President Yoweri Museveni for the position of director for gender which shocked Lukwago who then implored her to decline the new appointment.

Until her nomination, Kanyike was known to many as a member of the opposition Democratic Party, her nomination prompting Lukwago to swing the ax and bring in Nyanjura, a Forum for Democratic Change (FDC) party hardliner and Kizza Besigye loyalist.

“The outgoing deputy Lord Mayor having been a minister for gender in my executive, Nyanjura also takes up the same position and becomes her immediate supervisor,” Lukwago said during the press conference where he announced Nyanjura’s appointment.

There has been an outpouring of support on social media for Doreen with many congratulating the ‘FDC Preacher’ whose task ahead will involving serving Kampala people antagonising Museveni.


Nynajura’s appointment comes days after Lukwago together with opposition forces including former FDC President Besigye and People Power supremo, Kyadondo East Lawmaker and new political sensation, Robert Kyagulani aka Bobi Wine, announced actions they believe will finally seep Museveni out of power.

It is the latest of previously failed campaigns with the same goal.

Lukwago and Besigye enjoy a strong “political bromance” that many political analysts say is the reason the mayor partly assumed his post and say the same for Besigye who is popular in city.

Sources in the opposition say, having Nyanjura as his deputy plays well in his plans to fail Museveni from recapturing Kampala’s support ahead of next year’s polls.

It should be noted that when the nationwide lock down was announced to stop the spread of coronavirus, among the solutions for the people were the provision of food. Kampala and Wakiso were selected as the ‘starters’ before it is rolled out across the country.

Analysts say this was Museveni massaging Kampala and Wakiso people in an effort to show that he cares and win over their support.

Support for a president in the capital says a lot about his popularity across the country, political commentators opine. Reason there is that tug of war between the opposition and the ruling National Resistance Movement (NRM) about who controls Kampala.

In the 2016 general elections, Museveni performed dismally with Beisgye carrying the day.

The introduction of Nyanjura in such a role means the top leadership of the city’s elected leaders now belongs to the opposition. As a Besigye loyalist, Nyanjura always participates in demos and protests called by the former. This is expected to remain with Lukwago at the helm.

NRM should brace itself for a roller-coaster ride in the city as the country prepares for next year’s general polls.

Lukwago, sources say, wants to glavanize more anti-Museveni sentiment in the city with the appointment. However, it waits to be seen whether he’ll achieve the goal.

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