The Ministry of Health has confirmed one new case of COVID-19 out of the 625 samples tested yesterday at the Uganda Virus Research Institute (UVR)).
Of these, 372 samples were from truck drivers at the border points of entry while 253 were from contacts in the community. The total number of confirmed cases of COVID-19 in Uganda is SS.
The new case is a 38-year-old, Ugandan male, truck driver of Tororo district who arrived from Kenya on Monday, 12th April, 2020.
He was tested at Malaba border point of entry and was tested as pot of our routine test for truck drivers.
He did not have signs and symptoms consistent with COVID-19.
Similarly, a male Kenyan truck driver, aged 27 was found positive among the 372 truck drivers tested yesterday.
His sample was also collected at Malaba point of entry.
Arrangements are being made to return him to Kenya for treatment close to his family.
The Ministry of Health is currently testing all truck drivers (cargo transporters) for COVID-19 who come into the country via the various points of entry.
Yesterday, one (1) patient, who was admitted at Adjumani hospital with a positive COVID-19 test has been discharged after testing negative twice for COVID-19.
The total number of patients who have been discharged is now eight (8).
A cumulative total of 6,661 samples have so far tested for COVID-19 in Uganda.