Kampala City Hall Court has sentenced a 24-year-old woman to pay a court fine of Shs250,000 for stealing church offertory.
Judith Nanangwe, a housewife and resident of Seeta, Mukono district was remanded to Luzira prison last Tuesday with her new-born baby after she pleaded guilty to the charge of theft which she committed at Watoto Church, Ntinda.
She admitted that she stole an offertory bag containing Shs643,000 using a bag similar in colour and design
Prosecution states that Ms Nanangwe stole the offertory bag on March 1, 2020 at Watoto Church, Ntinda.
According to the charge sheet, the stolen offertory bag contained cash Shs643,000, the property of Watoto Church, Ntinda branch.
This, however, is not the first incident of offertory theft in the recent past.
An unidentified thug broke into the chapel on the night of August 11th, 2019 and made off with an unspecified amount of money, a laptop, and extension cables, boxes where the offertory for mother Mary and Radio Maria are kept, among other things