As social media has made our lives easier and better, there is till it’s down side if you let it take too much of your time. Most of us are actually addicted to social media and that isn’t a conversation we are ready to have but at the end of the day, we need to get back to our real world. We are letting a group of strangers decide what we eat, what we wear, how we look and so on. Here are a few ways you could be letting social media take more of you than it should
- Being rude on social media. Often people abuse strangers or even their own friends when they can’t confront them in person. But if you can’t say those same words to the person face to face, why are you uttering them here on social media?
- Need to please others. Some are willing to shame even their own family for a few likes and acceptance from strangers. At the end of the day, you don’t know these people and the ones you’re shaming are going to be hurt. You’re ruining your real life for the one built on your phone.
- Deleting pictures without “enough” likes. On seeking validation, often you delete your pictures that you had posted and people didn’t seem to notice or like. If you felt like you had a nice shot of you, why wait for someone to approve of it to assure you that it was nice?
- Constantly checking our phones even in public. Despite being with friends and in a social space, you’re glued to your phone and cutting out all interaction. Networking is a very important part of life so take off some time and try to connect with the different people around you.
- Measuring your life according to social media standards. We see people stating their standards and we are so quick to assume they follow those rules so they have their life together. We therefore try to live up to those unrealistic standards and most times end up ruining our real life.
Check the habits you have taken on (knowingly or unknowingly) and try to see how to measure up. I will leave you with a quote my friend told me once: Use social media , don’t let it use you