On February 24, 2014, Museveni signed the anti-gay Bill into law during a live televised event at State House Entebbe in which he hit out at the west putting Uganda in the bad books of the Western powers which also led to the freezing of about $90 in loans from the World Bank.
President Museveni is at it again warning Western countries against interfering with the cultural values of Uganda and Africa. He urged the Western powers not to front homosexuality or gay rights in the country.
Museveni made the statements in a meeting with the Executive Director of UNAIDs, Winnie Byanyima at State House Entebbe.
Byanyima was meeting president Museveni to advocate for gay rights as well as brief the president on the upcoming International Conference on Aids and Sexually Transmitted Infections in Africa (ICASA) in 2021.
Speaking about the homosexuality issue, Museveni warned western powers against fronting homosexuality as an ‘appreciated act” in Uganda.
“I had a discussion with the Executive Director of UNAIDS Winnie Byanyima, making known our position and, indeed our practice as non-aggressive towards homosexuality, even when our laws criminalize the practice. That small group of people, has, throughout our history been known, but ignored,” President Museveni said.
He further went on to speak about the different groups in society that advertise the evil act, warning them not to provoke the majority.
“But now, some groups in the world want us to advertise and acclaim homosexuality as an alternative way of life. We have advised our Western partners, not to provoke the big majority by fronting homosexuality as something that is appreciated, demanding for the change of the law,” he added.
Byanyima, giving an overview of the state of affairs in the HIV/Aids fight, told the President that efforts should be placed on messages of prevention if the war against the pandemic is to be won.
“Prevention has not had much attention. It needs to be boosted. For example, there are medicines that can be taken when at high risk of infection. Not enough people know about this,” she said.