Police has pledged to meet the medical bills of a two week old girl from Kasangati, who was exposed to teargas on Monday last week as the force attempted to stop Kyadondo East MP Robert Kyagulanyi holding a meeting there.
This came after the girl’s father Emmanuel Mwase made a complaint to the police over his daughter’s poor health.
Speaking to the father of the baby over the weekend Emmanuel Mwase confirmed to Ug Mirror that the police has accepted to meet all the medical bills. He also blamed police for acting recklessly.
“And after the bills, they have to pay for what happened because the baby might be injured and this might affect her in the future, and even the mother is not fine,” he said.
The deputy metropolitan police spokesperson Luke Owoyesigire said that the force will meet the baby’s hospital bills.
“We saw it wise that we should give a hand to the family during the medication of this child and the child has been transferred to Iran hospital here in Naguru,” he said.
He noted that the investigation into the matter on how teargas canister came into contact to the premises where the baby was is still ongoing.
Police has been accused on several occasions accused of attacking the innocent people by teargassing them in an attempt to distract the demonstrators.