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Chief Justice Katureebe’s Anti-Corruption Task Force Starts Work

1 Mins read

The Chief Justice Bart Katureebe on Monday inaugurated an eight member task force headed by the inspector of courts Immaculate Busingye to commence their work of investigating alleged corruption in the Judiciary. 

The ceremony which took place at the Judiciary headquarters in Kampala was attended by different stakeholders.

The committee was instituted following a series of Investigative reports by the New Vision, a government newspaper revealing corruption in the criminal justice system where members of the public are tasked to pay money before getting justice.

According to the office instruction no.4 of 2019 dated July  the taskforce will report back to the chief justice within 60 days.

 Katureebe noted  that the taskforce will interface with the investigation team of vision group to understand the scope and purpose of their ongoing project on exposing corruption in the judiciary.

“The task force shall have the following terms of reference interface with investigation of team of vision group to understand the scope and purpose of their ongoing project on exposing corruption in the judiciary,” he read one of the four terms of reference to the committee 

He added:” To receive video clips, voice recordings, pictures and any other evidence gathered by the media for review to identify and invite the judiciary staff implicated in the media campaign for an interface with the committee,“ he said.

He said that at the end of their investigation the task force will write a report with recommendations on the way forward within 60 days to the chief justice as one of the terms of reference for their work.

He however noted that commission  will not investigate in the judiciary as a whole throughout the country.

“It is not a commission of inquiry to look into corruption in the judiciary as a whole throughout the country otherwise you would have bigger terms of reference, it would have to be under the act,” he said.

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