Over 600 residents of Banda a Kampala suburb received free medical treatment and services to different health challenges courtesy of the International Medical Foundation, a charity organization under the International Medical Group aimed at improving individual well being among disadvantaged communities
The all-day fair conducted in partnership Apar Foundation, Uganda Sickle cell rescue foundation and Reproductive health Uganda aimed at providing access to free medical services to residents, encouraging wellness through regular medical check-ups and reducing the number of individuals who die of treatable disease.
Prudence Asobola, the project coordinator of IMF, said the largest population of residents living within the Acholi quarters community are women and children who has minimum or no access to basic healthcare services.
Adding that “the nearby health facilities are either expensive or do not have the capacity to provide basic health check-ups, general treatment and cancer screening which is a threat to human live” Asobola said
Asobola further noted “ We are providing a number of medical services which included; HIV and Hepatitis B screening, Dental and eye checkups, Cervical and breast cancer screenings, testing for malaria, blood pressure, Family planning consultations, general education on disease prevention and management, Onsite general treatment for common illnesses According to Shantel Patel, the Chief Executive Officer of Apar Foundation said, research has shown that many children in the community are suffering from malnutrition a result of poor nutrition, tooth decay and other children related diseases.
It is due to these health challenges that we decided to partner with IMF so as to boost nutrition and ensure children in this area has access to basic treatment such as: deworming, teeth, eyes and nose treatment” Shantel emphasized.