Punters in Gulu and Kitgum over the weekend confirmed that Fortebet is Ugandaâs number one betting home.
This revelation was made during the last gifts-filled weekend, in which Fortebet gave back to the residents in Gulu in appreciation for the trust and support they have given the company.

âI have been betting for the last 6 years and I have been betting with almost all the betting companies. However, I settled with Fortebet because I came to realize it is the best of all. For example, the moment you win your money, you are paid instantly, without any excuses,â
Anthony Ongom a punter at Buganda Pub branch testified to us. Another punter at Kitgum main center said, âI love Fortebet for three main reasons; instant payment, availability of computers in their betting centers and good customer service.

No other betting company equals Fortebet,â said a punter in Kitgum, commonly called Ronaldo.
These and more testimonies came when Fortebet was giving out a number of gifts that included;Techino F1 phones, T-shirts, caps, European club jerseys, balls to school kids, reflector jackets to bodaboda riders, pens and wristbands.

The giveaway was conducted by Fortebetâs Media Manager, John Nanyumba. In total, Fortebet gave out gifts to over 1000 people.