The outgoing Police Spokesperson, SSP Emilian Kayima has on Wednesday 16th January, 2019 handed over office to the incoming Uganda Police spokesperson Fred Enanga.
This followed the new Police reshuffle that was made on Saturday 12th January 2019 by Inspector General of Police Martin Okoth Ochola where Commissioner of Police Fred Enanga was been brought back replacing SSP Emilian Kayima as the Force’s spokesperson
Kayima has served for one year and two months since he was appointed by former Inspector General of Police, Kale Kayihura.
Kayima praised the team he headed as being committed and competent officers that worked together as a family.
He further noted that the challenges of public relations exist as they do elsewhere but they are not insurmountable.
Commissioner Fred Enanga pledged to work with everyone as he did before
” The sky will not ever be the limit,” he added
Enanga will be deputised by Assistant Commissioner Polly Namaye who also served under the former before being sacked by former IGP, Kayihura.