Naguru Police Kids Soccer Academy have shone in the double kids tournaments in Namutumba and Jinja respectively, winning in the U11 and U15 Category, finishing second in the U17 category.
The junior force’s Under 16 goal keeper, Stephen Ochola was also named best goalkeeper of the tournament while Shadrach Namukowa emerged top scorer in Jinja.

This was in the tournaments held in Namutumba between December 22, 2018-December 27, 2018 and in Jinja between December 28, 2018 and January 3, 2019. Out of the six categories of U9, 11, 13, 15, 17 and 19), Police Kids Soccer Academy won in three, finishing second in the U17 category.

While receiving the kids on Friday morning at the Police headquarters, AIGP Andrew Sorowen, the force’s Director in charge Special Duties commended the players for their tireless efforts that saw them put the best performance.
He therefore urged the junior players to maintain discipline, focus on education, balance sports and books, avoid drugs; smoking and all bad habits that he said might cripple their sports career.