President Museveni on Monday ordered Auditor General to investigate Minster of Foreign Affairs Sam Kutesa over corruption allegations.
Sam Kutesa is reported to have received$500,000 bribe in exchange of obtaining business advantages from a Chinese energy company while he served as president UN General Assembly from 2014 to 2015.
Last week a former Hong Kong Minister Patrick Ho chi Ping was found guilty by federal jury in New York of offering millions of dollars in bribes to African officials including Uganda’s Foreign affairs minister Sam Kutesa.
During the launch of anti-corruption unit under the office of the president which will receive and act on complaints relating to corruption, president said that minister Sam Kutesa must answer all allegations that he received $500,000 bribe from a Chinese company to help it gain business in Uganda.
“I have told him to be touch with our Attorney General to cross check whether this money was for charity or it was for him,” he Said.
President Museveni also said that obviously it’s a crime for him get money from a foreign company.
“What were they paying for? that would be a bribe and he will be answerable,”he added