Son to Kyadondo East MP, Robert Kyagulanyi aka Bobi Wine has allegedly been sodomized by his fellow student at the Entebbe based St Mary’s College Kisubi.
According to a local Newspaper, Red Pepper, a son of Bobi Wine was sodomized by a son of a Makerere university professor.
Below is how Red Pepper report the story.
Homosexuality scandal involving a son of Bobi Wine and a Makerere university professor’s boy has rocked St Mary’s College Kisubi (SMACK).
Prof. Salmon Mugoda of Makerere’s college of business and Management studies (COBAMS) has asked his lawyers of Senkeezi-Ssali Advocates and consultants to write to SMACK warning that he will drag the prestigious Entebbe Road based catholic founded school to court to compel them to explain why they dismissed his son (names withheld because he’s only 13 years) on allegations that he sodomised a son of Kyaddondo East MP Bobi Wine (names withheld because he is also a minor).
“We are writing to you on behalf of our clients, the parents to the above mentioned [names withheld] who was a student in S.1 at St Mary’s College Kisubi until he was dismissed in the month of June 2018 on allegations that he was engaging in homosexuality acts,” reads an intention to sue letter, dated 11th July, 2018 by Senkeezi-Ssali Advocates and Legal consultants addressed to SMACK.
In the letter, the lawyers contend that SMACK did not take any step to prove “these shocking and diabolical acts” and as a result they rushed to suspend the Makerere Prof’s son and at the same time while giving preferential treatment to Bobi Wine’s, who was never expelled nor subjected to medical examination to prove the act.
“Our clients believe that dismissal of their son [who had passed highly (5 Agg) and got admitted to the said school on merit] was avoidable, intentionally high handed, unnecessary, targeted ,malicious, unwarranted… and affected with impunity,” the lawyers say.
To justify their grounds, the parents say: the student was never given any dismissal letter; the school never apprehended students who physically assaulted the student following the alleged act; police doctor’s results showed no evidence; the dismissal did not follow any disciplinary procedure and/or warning whatsoever; the alleged torture of the student to admit committing the act; refusal to give medical attention to the student after the assault by fellow students on that fateful day; and as well the overlooking/disregarding the issue of the bad blood that had developed between the dismissed student and the opposition honcho’s son which at one time culminated into the dismissed student being burnt with a hot flat iron by Wine’s.
“We demand that you generate with the full involvement and participation of our clients a clear and unequivocal statement clarifying all this with the intention that the dismissed child’s name is cleared before the entire school populace at SMACK and the entire world including those on social media,” reads part of the demands.
Also, SMACK has been asked to make an immediate refund of all school fees including expenditures on the school requirements (about Shs3m)of the dismissed student; pay Shs 200m in damages and as well Shs 20m as professional fees to the lawyers.
Up to date, the dismissed boy, 13, is yet to come to terms with what transpired on that day.
But he managed to tell us [in presence of her mother and his uncle] what happened on that fateful day. He broke into tears before finishing his story.
He told us that, like other children he dreamt of obtaining good grades in primary to make sure that he went to a good school and his parents were supportive. Having obtained 5 Agg he managed to join SMACK.
He told us that he and Wine’s son they allege he sodomised shared a dormitory-Kiwanuka, and they were both in S.1 but in different streams.
He told us that after break time on Wednesday of 20th June, 2018 he went to his accuser’s stream (S.1 B) to request for a text book from a friend.
However, when he entered the classroom, someone shouted “Lawee” (slang at SMACK that means a homosexual). ”When I asked the student who shouted so to give proof, everyone started shouting on top of their voices and I decided to move out.”
He added that, word later spread around that he was a homo and by lunchtime everyone was looking at him differently on top of being isolated.
He further told us that later in the evening at prep time some students started shouting “Sexiyo” (he also told us this is a slang to mean beating), which prompted him to go and read from outside.
”I could not understand anything and the origin of the whole talk,” he added as his eyes turned red.
That after prep time, he first went to the chapel for prayers but surprisingly when he came back he found students in the dormitory carrying sticks, belts shouting “Masokizimu” (He again told us, this is a slang to mean violence).
When he sensed danger, he decided to move outside, only one of the students identified as Matthew to call him saying that a certain S.4 student was calling him.
“I found several students led by one Jayson [S.4], they surrounded me and asked me why I had “Laweed-Sodomised” the opposition honcho’s son.
I told them I didn’t know what they were talking about and I had not done anything but instead they told me to kneel on the wall and they started beating me.”
He adds that, later on, one George who is a prefect and friend to the politician’s son, came, grabbed him and told him that he had messed up with a wrong person.
At this point, he said his tormentors realized that where they were standing there were CCTV cameras and as a result they dragged him to a quadrangle where there are no cameras and the beating continued.
“They then told me to write a statement accepting that I had indeed sodomised or else they would continue beating me and as well be expelled. After the first statement, they said it wasn’t satisfactory and they told me to write another one.”
That Wine’s son was called and some of the witnesses alleged to have seen him being sodomised.
The witnesses, according to this student, included a one Ngobi, Kakira and Ndawula—all classmates to the politician’s son— who all wrote statements.
He told us that Bobi’s son in his statement said he woke up only to find his shirts unbuttoned and his trouser pulled down only to be told that he had been sodomised.
All the witnesses brought did not sleep in the same dormitory (Kiwanuka) which the two victims shared, apart from Ngobi.
In his statement, Ngobi said, he was also told by this Prof’s son that the opposition honcho’s son had been sodomised.
“What I can tell you is that, on that night I had a dream that this Wine’s son had been sodomised. Then I shared it with Ngobi, who in turn perceived it wrongly that I had sodomised which is not true, “he said.
In the lawyer’s letter, the school management is being accused of overlooking/disregarding the issue of the bad blood that had developed between the dismissed student and Wine’s son which at one time culminated into the dismissed student being burnt with a hot flat iron.
The dismissed student’s mother told us that, following the incident, she was called the next day early morning at the school. On reaching the school, they told her to escort her child out of the school because he was no longer wanted by fellow students.
“I tried to ask what had happened but they told me to leave. They later called Wine’s son who said indeed he had been sodomised, and it was my son because he had been told so, “She said.
After leaving the school with her child, she said, at night he developed a fever.
He told the mother that he had been beaten by students prompting her to open a case of assault at Kisubi Police station SD 29/21/2018.
She also went ahead to obtain a medical examination form.
Medical check up was conducted at May Fair Clinic along Entebbe road and according to the results seen by Red pepper, the doctors noted normal muscle and no bruises at all.
The examination was conducted by Andrew Kiyegga.
The boy’s mother told us that whereas, she allowed her son to be thoroughly checked, this never happened to the Politician’s son-claiming to have been sodomised.
“They did not take him also to be examined.” She also accuses the Kisubi police of double standards.
Our Reporter sought for a comment from SMACK but the administrators were not cooperative.
When Red pepper went to the school, an arrogant brown lady whom we later learnt is a secretary first blocked us from talking to anybody.
Later she allowed us to talk to the Deputy Headmaster in charge of Administration indentified as Geofrey Alisengagha.
When we told him the story we were following, his tone changed and he started instead quarreling demanding to know why of all students who had been expelled from SMACK it was only the case of the Prof’s Son that had became so special.
He also denied the allegations that the expelled boy was never given a dismissal letter. “SMACK has been here for many years and it has produced very many prominent people in this country.
You go and write whatever you want, we shall also come out and expose the victim[s] and also tell our side of the story,” he said before referring us to the commissioner of schools at the ministry of education, if we wanted more information.
He also called in another deputy head teacher in charge of Academics Brother Simon Mpanga, who also warned us to be careful and conscious with the story we were following.
As our reporter was moving out of the school, security officials were told to block him, some Kisubi police officers were also called; but after about 30 minutes our reporter was allowed to leave wmithout any explanation of what was going on.
Efforts to reach the headmaster were futile by press time because the officials only gave us his office line, but nobody picked in the last two weeks we kept trying it..