
Sex Toy Company apologizes after vibrators secretly record users

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A sex toy company has apologised after it emerged that its accessories were secretly recording users.

Lovense blamed a “minor software bug” after users discovered its remote-controlled vibrator app was recording sound files and storing them on their phones.

The issue was first spotted on Reddit and a number of users came forward to say they had fallen victim to it.

Lovense has apologised for the error and confirmed the problem had now been fixed.

“This cache file currently remains on your phone instead of deleting itself once your session is finished. Also, when the file is created it overwrites itself (no new files are created),” a representative from the company told The Mirror.

One of the users who initially spotted the problem said there was a six minute recording of the last time they used their toy.

“The Lovense remote control vibrator app… seems to be recording while the vibrator is on,” user tydoctor posted on Reddit.

They added: “I was going through my phone media to prepare it for a factory reset and came across a .3gp file named ‘tempSoundPlay.3gp’ in the folder for the app. The file was a full audio recording 6 minutes long of the last time I had used the app to control my [partner’s] remote control vibrator.

“At no time had I wanted the app to record entire sessions using the vibrator.”

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